Now You Too Can Be Part Of This Exclusive Insider's Club...

"Who Else Wants Instant Access To Proven Tips, Tools And Tactics That Have The Power To Rapidly Turn Dreams Into Achievements?"

Here's Your Chance To Discover How You Too Can Eliminate Years Of Struggle And Wasted Effort So You Can Quickly And Easily Accomplish Your Goals...

Dear Friend,

If you aren't achieving your goals no matter how hard you try, you owe it to yourself to keep reading this page, and here's why...

Chances are, you didn't learn how to read or write by attending just a single lesson in kindergarten.

So why is it that when it comes to success, most people expect to get all the strategies and tactics they need to change their lives from a single shot as if they were immunizing themselves against failure?

From my observation, it is usually one of two things:

1. They do not have the right information;

2. Even with the right information, they do not take action on what they already know.

Until you understand the need to train your mind to think differently, you will keep going round in circles and getting nowhere.

This can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you let self-doubt creep in and work, and you start wondering whether something's wrong with you.

I know because I have been there… not once, but several times.

How many times have you read a book or taken a course that excited you, but left you confused and uncertain about how to go forward, and as time went by, the excitement waned and you were right back where you started?

The simple truth is this.

You can read and study all you want about self-help, money and financial success, but unless you take action, you will not get the results you are looking for.

Amazingly, there are still people out there who will have you believe you can succeed by avoiding the so-called 'dreaded four letter word', which spells...W-O-R-K.

Trying to learn everything you need to know before you take any action can put you in a perpetual cycle of 'getting ready to launch' until you end up nowhere.

If this has been your story, I have good news for you.

Now you too can finally start turning your dreams into achievements.

If you are aiming to improve your life, I’m here to tell you that it’s time to stop looking at where you have been and start looking at where you are going.

Imagine how much easier it would be if you knew what to do, and how to do it to get from where you are to where you want to be?

Here's introducing...

The Secret Formula For Wealth Insider’s Membership Club

Insider's Membership Welcome Kit
*This is a digital product and the images are for visualization only.
Click Here To Join For A One-Time Payment Of $97 And Access Your Premium Content

The Secret Formula For Wealth Insider's Membership Club gives you access to timeless principles which will propel you to financial success and beyond for as long as you are ready to do what it takes.

You could spend decades trying to learn this information on your own or through other sources that have partial answers and that might not even be correct...

Or you can invest a small amount now and rapidly leap forward to achieving your dreams.

Think you’ve heard it all, stop and think again.

Here's an important question for you.

Are you progressively getting to where you want to be or do you merely exist?

As you think about your answer, let me share with you three things you can do right now to help you take a step in the right direction.

The third one is the most important, so pay close attention. In fact, without the third one the first two may not really help you much.

1. Don’t be afraid to take risk. Instead, learn how to calculate your risks, and act decisively. This will allow you to fully realize the potential you have always known you possessed, thereby boosting your confidence.

2. Stop-cherry picking. When presented with a 7-step 'no fail' strategy, most people try to implement one or two steps in a haphazard way, and ignore the rest. Then they wonder why they are not getting positive results after having 'tried everything'. Don't let that be you. Get into the habit of finishing what you start.

3. Never give up on pursuing your dream. When you can’t get a thought or idea out of your head, it’s probably a good idea to act on it. Forget your past mistakes and don't let them control your future.

Do not let the simplicity of what I have just revealed deceive you.

What Does This Mean For you?

My aim is to give you good solid information you can readily apply into your life, and help you train your mind to work in congruence with what you want.

This is essential for anyone who wants to get ahead in life.

Think about what your life would be like if you could...

redarrowdrawnBe someone your friends and family are proud to know

redarrowdrawnStop worrying about others' opinions of your decisions to get ahead financially

redarrowdrawnEnjoy the peace of mind that comes with getting out of debt, not having to worry about bills, and having free time to smell the roses in life

redarrowdrawnGet more respect from your family and friends and show those who have doubted you, what can be done with determination

redarrowdrawnManage your money better and so you have more to spend on the things that are truly important to you

redarrowdrawnEnsure you and your family never fight about money (or the lack of it)

redarrowdrawnDiscover how you can adopt an entrepreneurial mindset so you can give your family the life they deserve, engage in charitable projects and help others in need

You will discover the exact strategies, tactics and most important of all, the mindset that allowed me to transition from a wage slave to an independent consultant with the added benefit of getting to choose where, when and with whom I work.

I hold nothing back.

Each month you'll get exclusive access to advanced concepts you must know if you really want to establish the essential habits for financial success.

Over the last 14 years, I have read on average one to two books a week, and listened to hundreds of audio programs. My monthly reading list consists of at least 4 books, 4 print newsletters, special reports, eBooks, email newsletters, and occasionally, a home study course.

More than 95% of my income comes from putting into practice what I learn and teach, so I know what works and what doesn’t.

What you will learn here is not theory. These tips tools and strategies will immensely benefit any serious student who puts them to use.

If you’ve read any of my materials, you may have noticed that I make it a point to explain seemingly complex issues in a clear, simple and straight forward manner that everyone can understand.

This is because I want to help people who want to succeed, people who know they deserve to succeed and are willing to do what it takes to achieve their goals.

In fact one of my subscribers had this to say…


Click Here To Join For A One-Time Payment Of $97 And Access Your Premium Content

One thing I know for sure is; spending money on your personal growth can pay off big in the long run, so invest in yourself at every opportunity you get.

You'll learn everything you need to know quickly, without fanfare or drama, and I reveal exactly what I would tell you if we sat down for a cup of coffee.

Here's What You Get Over The Next 12 Months...

When you sign up to The Secret Formula for Wealth Insider's Membership Club, you’ll get instant access to a private online membership site where your premium content will be delivered every month over the next 12 months.devices

It doesn't matter where you live.

For as long as you have an internet connection, you will have 24-hour access to the secured member's area.

You can log in at any time to access your membership material and download the content at your convenience on your desktop or tablet.

You will also enjoy special 'members only' discounts for future products and releases.

Your Monthly Membership Materials

As a member of The Secret Formula for Wealth Insider's Membership Club, you get:

*This is a digital product and the images are for visualization only.

A Monthly Newsletter

Inside every issue of this content rich 4-page downloadable PDF newsletter, you'll get insider strategies on how to grow your wealth, a prosperity lesson, and a business tip of the month.

This revealing newsletter is easy to read and understand. It will stimulate your mind and have you thinking of ideas on how to stay ahead of the game in an unpredictable financial climate.

A Monthly Prosperity Hot Sheet

*This is a digital product and the images are for visualization only.

Your past financial failures are not directly through any fault of your own. Most likely, they are a result of a lack of knowledge about money, wealth and prosperity.

No matter how fast you travel in the wrong direction, you will never reach your destination. In each issue of this downloadable PDF hot sheet you will discover advanced strategies you can apply immediately to become the master of your financial destiny.

A Book of The Month

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This is typically a classic book on wealth, prosperity or personal growth that has the potential to transform your life, like it has done for millions of others who have applied the ideas and concepts presented.

Download your book of the month, and go to a quiet place where you won't be disturbed, and study it carefully.

Keep a pen and a pad at your side to take plenty of notes.

This will allow you to get the best value each and every month.

A Monthly Training Video

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Each month, you will get access to a short but powerful whiteboard video session in which I explain what you need to do get you on your way towards a happier, more fulfilling and productive life.

You will receive step-by-step instructions you can implement, starting in as little as a few minutes after watching the video.

A Monthly Training Video Worksheet

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This is a downloadable ‘fill-in-the-gaps’ PDF worksheet that will help you implement what you learn in your monthly training video.

Watch the training video, evaluate your current situation, and then work through the exercises in your worksheet. Before you know it, you’ll have a handy reference guide at your finger tips to help you apply what you learn immediately.

Now if we are on the same wavelength, you are probably wondering…

How Much Does It Cost?

Before I answer that, I want you to ask yourself what it would be worth to you if you could get instant access to actionable ideas, tools, strategies and tactics that can help you turn your dreams into achievements.

You can either continue down the path of least resistance, the path you have already been traveling, or you can choose the road less traveled.

The path of least resistance will probably result in you getting the same outcomes you’ve always received.

For instance, how many times do you find yourself saying “I should have…” or “I could have…”?

You’ve probably let opportunities pass you by, but in this case I think I could make it easy for you NOT to let this one slip through your fingers.

To this end, your investment in The Secret Formula for Wealth Insider's Membership Club is only $97.

Yes, $97 is all you pay to access your premium content for the next 12 months, which literally translates to about 4 cents a day!

Why such a low price?

For starters, I turned my financial life around by practicing what I teach and NOT from selling what I teach.

For years, I struggled through trial and error, and made a promise to myself that I would share the lessons I learnt along the way in a format where I could conveniently help others who are seriously looking to change their lives for the better, and this is it.

This small investment could be your gateway to set you free from a job you hate, allowing you to spend your day doing things that make you feel happy and fulfilled.

Frankly, the Insider’s Membership Club isn't for everyone.

If you are an excuse maker, or you find it more comfortable to complain than to take action, or you are looking or overnight success this is not for you.

But if my instincts are right, I believe it is right for you, which could be the main reason you are still reading this, so hang on because I’m not finished yet.

When you join the Secret Formula For Wealth Insider’s club, you take no risk whatsoever.

100% Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

Your membership enrollment comes complete with a 60-day risk free trial.ICG

If for any reason within the next 60 days, you are not 100% thrilled and delighted with the premium content exclusive to members of The Secret Formula For Wealth Insider's Membership Club, simply let me know and I'll give you every penny of your money back, no hassles and no silly questionnaires to complete.

That's more than a guarantee, it's my personal promise. It's that simple.

You get instant access to the premium content ZERO RISK to yourself.

Click Here To Join For A One-Time Payment Of $97 And Access Your Premium Content

 But There's Even More I Want To Give You...

Enroll today and get instant access to download the following exclusive bonuses:

FREE Bonus #1

Motivational Quotes Gift Pack (Value $47)

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This gift pack is a set of 15 high-powered motivational quotes. Download them onto your computer or mobile device and place them where you can read them time and again.

Needless to say, these powerful quotes will come in handy at those times when you could do with a little inspiration.

It is reassuring to know that others have overcome the obstacles you are now facing. Use these quotes as a catalyst to ignite your creative imagination in the face of adversity.

FREE Bonus #2

Special Confidential Report (Value $27)

7 Wealth Traps That Cost You Money And Keep You Broke

*This is a digital product and the images are for visualization only.

In this riveting bonus report you will discover 7 potent wealth killers, and what you can do to avoid or overcome each and every one of them.

Download this valuable informative report and read it. You will discover practical steps you can take right now to protect yourself and your family from falling into these wealth traps.

If you are willing to do what it takes to not only survive, but to prosper, this report is for you.

FREE Bonus #3

Special Confidential Report (Value $27)

Productivity, Time and Money: 7 Ways To Get Things Done Effortlessly

*This is a digital product and the images are for visualization only.

This exclusive report will arm you with vital insights, and actionable strategies to get more of the right things done in less time.

You will discover the importance of using your time effectively, and how you can finally put a stop to procrastination.

Download this report now, and experience the wonder of turning your productive hours into time well spent. It’s simple to understand and it’s a quick read.

Start creating more time on your schedule for the things that matter to you.

FREE Bonus #4

Special Confidential Report (Value $27)

Goal Power: A Practical Guide To Setting and Achieving Your Personal Goals

goal power
*This is a digital product and the images are for visualization only.

Tired of setting the same goal year after year?

In this exclusive special report, I reveal a powerful 3-part system that will help you identify what you need to do to achieve maximum results from setting your goals.

Discover a fresh new approach to developing an effective plan for achieving the financial and personal goals you set for yourself, with remarkable success.

This essential guide will also give you the added power to eliminate that inner feeling of failure to accomplish what you set out to do.

If setting and achieving your goals feels like you are constantly battling hidden forces that are working against you, you need to read this report.

Here’s What To Do Now

To activate your 12 months’ subscription, click the order button and fill out the order form.

Once your payment has been approved, you’ll receive an email with your login information.

Log into the members' area and your membership materials for the first month will be waiting for you, so you can literally get started right away.

You’ll also get instant access to download your FREE bonuses.

It’s been said that in your moments of decision your destiny is shaped.

What will you decide to do right now?

The same thing you’ve been doing so you get the same old results, or will you decide to change your results for the better by joining the Insider’s Membership Club?

You have a choice to make and the decision rests in your hands this very instant.

Don't put it on hold much longer.

You can do what everyone else is doing and get the same kind of mediocre results they're getting, or you can get instant access to the powerful strategies that separate the drifters from those who achieve success and live a happier, more fulfilling life.

Your financial success story starts today.

Take the first step towards a rewarding life.

Decide for yourself if the Secret Formula For Wealth Insider’s Membership Club is right for you with no risk or obligation whatsoever, and don’t get left behind.

I look forward to personally welcoming you as our newest member of the Insider's Club, so go ahead and join now at the low introductory price.

Click Here To Enroll

To your success,


Augustine Mwanje

P.S. Remember, your enrollment fee is a one-time payment of $97 for the next 12 months, which literally translates to about 4 cents a day! Join today to get instant access to a private membership club where your exclusive premium content awaits you. Please don't put this off till later or you’ll pay more.

P.P.S. Still hesitating? Look, despite everything I've said you still may have a valid reason to not take me up on this offer. Remember, you are covered by my 100% money-back guarantee in the unlikely event that you change your mind over the next 60 days, and the valuable free bonuses are yours to keep.

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